I had forgotten that the Tau base (the last remaining mission) sees you fighting through to the base spot and am already annoyed. Didn't even lead infantry into the base proper, just used all vehicles and spammed earthshaker rounds. Took on the "outside base" in front of the base proper with baneblade and two basiliks from south, while the infantry and tank group came from the right (where the transporter factory used to be). This setup leaves infantry cap for two guardsmen or heavy weapon teams for base defense, so I tend to rely on my HG. I ended up clearing out beacons with my maxed out commander with all priests (those kaskrin die pretty easily I think, and I value the disruption qualities of this command squad), 5 guardsmen squads (3 commissars, 1 psyker, leftover priest), kaskrin and ogryn (both priests) and later added both tanks. And guardsmen squads at max have 14 members (12 soldiers, 1 sergeant, 1 commissar), so the loss of one gun is crazy trivial. The best part: it costs only 20 req to retrain the executed soldier and it's done in 7 seconds! Since the damage effect lasts 10 seconds, you can keep it going through the whole firefight. Restoring morale to every squad within 35 range and 2.5 max damage on guardsmen+kaskrin guns for 10 seconds makes your panicky squads stop running around and with concentrated fire they take everything down. Once you get the hang of execute (I did a while ago, but wrote about it elsewhere in this sub and it's well worth mentioning), it really changes things. Hopefully.Ĭleared out the space marines easily. The outer strategic points keep getting overrun, at least that was true for Space Marines and Sisters of Battle - but the guards bolter turrets aren't that much better, are they? Meh, Earthshaker rounds will prevail. Guess I'll just have to build max strongholds and hope my HG with a triple row of 5 turrets can hold off the masses of krootox and greater knarlocs I still seem to face at my original HQ no matter in which order I take on the bases. Only Space Marines SH and Tau SH remaining, and while I think I can take the SM with ease, I already dread doing the Tau with guardsmen. In hindsight I should have attached commissars to my guardsmen (but didn't), I've come to value the execute ability greatly, counter-intuitive as it may be. The ork's SH was incredibly easy by comparison. The second base took quite long as well, and it turns out I had missed both an extra infantry and a vehicle building from the first base, requiring another push-back on that side again.

Lost HG guardsmen and kaskrin before vehicles stemmed the tide while my main army was walking over. In fact, it took so long that the second base's counterattack threatened to overwhelm my defenses outside my own base for a while. I really shouldn't have had that big of a problem on normal, but I did.įWIW, I misremembered base positions at first and took a long while to wipe out the first base.