(He's also saying that if mod authors used the "Console Command" approach to spawning items, this wouldn't be a problem. Then the items will be where they are supposed to be. You have to Disable those mods, Start a new game, Play until you can make a save, Exit, Re-enable the mods, Re-Start, Load that save. Hi there good sir =D So you're saying the MOD in the link you provided actually works even if you're patched up to 1.03? Meaning, you can get The GW Runic Armor by using that, even though you're in 1.03 which actually blocks the armor? (Sorry, I just want to be very specific ^^)Īs DarkeWolfe notes in his signature, ever since patch 1.03, ALL mods that spawn new items directly into your inventory in the "conventional" way FAIL to work when you start a BRAND NEW GAME. You will need to activate the console tho, There's a link to how to do it in the description of hdhd's mod.

This is actually really nice, as it allows you to use the console to add many things directly into your inventory. Relive the darkest hour of the Grey Wardens with all-new content that adds to the main Dragon Age. Whatever the truth, Soldiers Peak is no place for the living. Others whisper of betrayal and the spirits of murdered Grey Wardens. Sometimes there are some mods that block others. Some claim the fortress of Soldiers Peak is corrupted and overrun by demons. Try starting the new character without any of your mods running.