Each piece of the space marine armour can be customised amongst the number of presets already in the mod, which will grow as new chapters/legions are introduced into the mod.Īdditionally there will be several additional customisation options added to the mod from feedback and other ideas such as replacing cadians with deathkorps of krieg, or changing the brotherhood to tau instead of soul drinkers, and so on. However the new space marine customisation addition to the mod allows users to mix and match shoulder pads, gloves, backpacks, arms, legs, etc. This mod Features a number of customisation options such as choosing the space marine chapter/chaos space marine legion that is used during the mod. Random patrols of tau have been added, as well as an addon which converts BOS to tau. Many of the wild beasts that roam the wasteland such as mole rats, bloatflies and ants have been converted into Tyranids, hermaguants or termagaunts The brotherhood of steel have become the Soul Drinkers The Black Mountain supermutants have been converted to ORKS

The Viper Gang and Great Khans have become the Eldar and Renegade eldar respectively The deathclaws have also been retextured, so they look more like daemons and the jackal gang are now DarkEldar The Legions and bandits have become the Forces of Chaos, including bloodpact, chaos space marines, khorne beserkers and cultists. The boomers have become elysian drop troopers and gun runners the skitarii The NCR has been totally converted to the Imperium, including imperial guard forces, Adeptus Arbites, deathkorps of krieg, space marines and sisters of battle. A Warhammer 40k total conversion for Fallout: New Vegas